Borstvoeding, kunstvoeding en wiegendood

column-83.jpgIn dit onderzoek werd gekeken naar de relatie tussen kindervoeding en wiegendood. 333 Wiegendoodkindjes werden vergeleken met 998 leeftijdsgenootjes. De conclusie luidt dat borstvoeding, volledig of gedeeltelijk, het risico om te overlijden aan wiegendood met de helft doet afnemen. De onderzoekers doen de aanbeveling om het advies om minimaal zes maanden borstvoeding te geven op te nemen in de wiegendood preventie campagnes.
Wanneer de onderzoekers niet voor de Voldemort-aanpak hadden gekozen, hadden we een heel andere boodschap gelezen. Dan had er zoiets gestaan als: Het niet geven van borstvoeding verdubbelt de kans op overlijden door wiegendood…

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BACKGROUND: In the last 20 years, the prevention campaigns to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome were very successful. In some countries the advice to breastfeed is included in the campaigns’ messages, but in other countries it is not.

OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between type of infant feeding and sudden infant death syndrome.

METHODS: The German Study of Sudden Infant Death is a case-control study of 333 infants who died of sudden infant death syndrome and 998 age-matched controls.

RESULTS: A total of 49.6% of cases and 82.9% of controls were breastfed at 2 weeks of age. Exclusive breastfeeding at 1 month of age halved the risk, partial breastfeeding at the age of 1 month also reduced the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, but after adjustment this risk was not significant. Being exclusively breastfed in the last month of life/before the interview reduced the risk, as did being partially breastfed. Breastfeeding survival curves showed that both partial breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding were associated with a reduced risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that breastfeeding reduced the risk of sudden infant death syndrome by approximately 50% at all ages throughout infancy. We recommend including the advice to breastfeed through 6 months of age in sudden infant death syndrome risk-reduction messages.

Vennemann MM, Bajanowski T, Brinkmann B, Jorch G, Yücesan K, Sauerland C, Mitchell EA; GeSID Study Group. Collaborators (25); PD, University of Münster, Institute of Legal Medicine, Röntgenstrasse 23, D-48149 Münster, Germany.

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