Niet drinken aan de borst vergroot de risico’s op het ontwikkelen van astma gerelateerde symptomen. Kinderen die nooit aan de borst moedermelk dronken, hebben, in vergelijking met kinderen die zes maanden borstvoeding kregen, een verhoogd risico op niezen, ademtekort, droge hoest en hardnekkige slijmvorming. Een korte borstvoedingperiode en niet-exclusief borstvoeden zijn geassocieerd met een verhoogd risico op astma gerelateerde symptomen in de lagere schooltijd. De studie betrof 5358 kinderen.
Duration and exclusiveness of breastfeeding and childhood asthma-related symptoms
A.M.M. Sonnenschein-van der Voort, V.V.W. Jaddoe, R.J.P. van der Valk, S.P. Willemsen, A. Hofman, H.A. Moll, J.C. de Jongste, and L. Duijts. Eur. Respir. J. published 20 July 2011, 10.1183/09031936.00178110
Lees ook
- Despite a series of often conflicting studies, breastfeeding has been advocated for the prevention of asthma with the majority of the evidence showing a protective association. It remains unclear how the association between breastfeeding and asthma develops as children get older and whether this association is influenced by maternal or paternal allergy.
Scholtens S, Wijga AH, Kerkhof M et al (2009) Breastfeeding, parental allergy and asthma in children followed for 8 years. The PIAMA birth cohort study Thorax;64:604-609; doi:10.1136/thx.2007.094938
- An investigation among 2,195 children followed up to age 6 years concludes that less exclusive breastfeeding leads to increases in child asthma and atopy.
WH Oddy, JL Sherriff, NH de Klerk, GE Kendall, PD Sly, LJ Beilin, KB Blake, LI Landau, and FJ Stanley. The relation of breastfeeding and body mass index to asthma and atopy in children: a prospective cohort study to age 6 years. Am J Public Health, 2004; 94: 1531-7
- Breastfeeding and Lung Function at School-Age: Does Maternal Asthma Modify the Effect? In this cohort, breastfeeding for over 4 months was associated with increased FEF50 and, in children of asthmatic mothers, with increased FEV1 and FVC. It seems that the effect is not mediated via avoidance of early infections or atopy, but rather through a direct effect on lung growth.Breastfeeding and Lung Function at School-Age: Does Maternal Asthma Modify the Effect?
Cristian M Dogaru, Marie-Pierre F Strippoli, Ben D Spycher, Urs Frey, Caroline S Beardsmore, Michael Silverman and Claudia E Kuehni